Stinging sleet. Bone-chilling drizzle. Icy gusts of snow. Yet as wicked as the weather may be, the game warden doesn't flinch. When duty calls, he'll yank his Waxed Trapper Hat down around his ears and stride into the teeth of the storm. He's relentless – and so is his hat. Just as in the old days, the brawny canvas shell is saturated with melted wax to form a natural barrier against wetness and wind. A plush fleece lining insulates from cold and the earflaps snap up or down as conditions demand. There's even a secret pocket to stash a hunting license, emergency cash or a photo of that special someone back home.
- Relentlessly rugged waxed canvas shell resists mist and blocks wind
- Plush 100% polyester fleece lining insulates head and ears from a chill
- Deploy the fleece-lined earflaps on a frosty January day or snap them up when a thaw sets in
- Secret pocket in the crown is sized just right for a pack of emergency matches or your stash of cash
- Easy upkeep – just spot clean with a damp cloth
- 51% rayon/49% cotton shell
- Imported
Verified Buyer
Got the hat a little on the large size and it fits perfect. Keeps my head warm and dry.
Verified Buyer
This hat keeps my boyfriends head warm while walking the dog in these cold temperatures. He is bald so he needs bad weather protection and this works great.
Great hat, very comfortable and keeps my head warm